Event Poster - Course Project - G211 Advanced Typography
The course project for my Advanced Typography class was to create an event poster for a poetry slam contest being held in one of 6 cities. I chose the city of Austin, Texas. For the city, we needed to come up with a combination of typographic elements and color that represented the city.
The first step was to take the information that was required to be included on the poster and and come up with different typographic styles, organizing the information into Header, Subheader, and body text.
Here are the font choices:
I felt that the first set of typefaces consisting of Azo Sans Uber, Eras Bold ITC, and Capitolium2 were the strongest set.
Next, I came up with a series of thumbnail sketches of imagery that I thought would represent the city and a poetry slam well.
I then took the strongest three to refine as a sketch before contructing them in Adobe InDesign.
From the thumbnail sketches, I determined that the original sketch of the droplet of water would not work well, and rendered a new design in InDesign that was more effective.
The next step was to digitally render the thumbnail sketches.
Of these three designs my favorite was the rattlesnake.
For color and legibility purposes, the strongest design overall was the typographic AUSTIN draft. If had a better use of negative space and allowed more a much more interesting and clean layout.
Settling on the AUSTIN design, I put togther a series of color studies including a monochromatic set.
I setteled on the first color scheme of the darker red and soft yellows, and was using a 3-color scheme.
For the last step, I just had to fine tune the design, cutting it to only 2-colors and removing italics from the text so there would be less contrast and it would be easier to flow.
The final draft was created as a 18 inch by 24 inch poster in Adobe InDesign.