Crest Whitening & Repair
Peppermint Chewing Gum
Brand Extension Project
RMCAD 3-D Packaging - GD3470

This project was created for 3-D Packaging GD3470 at RMCAD. The goal was to come up with a brand extension for an existing company and then create the packaging for the new product.
The company I chose to work with was Crest.
I researched their current products, demographic, competition, and compiled everything into a project brief that included sketches and ideas for brand extension products.

These are the sketches for the Brand Extension concepts.

Of the concepts, these sketches are more refined versions of the ideas that were the strongest. The Crest Whitening and Repair Chewing Gum was the concept I decided to move forward with.

The idea behind the design was to focus on the letter 'C' in the Crest logotype. With the color and the shape, I noticed it sort of took the form of a mouth from a side view. The package itself needed to small and compact enough to fit comfortably in a pocket much like other packs of gum, but the unique shape of the 'C' created just enough visual interest to allow it to stand out on a shelf with other brands. I also wanted to use the square shape of the gum in the bubble packaging to simulate the look of teeth inside the 'C.' The package is uniquely shaped and creates an interesting visual aesthetic, but was challenging to design.
Here are the dieline graphics, printed on paperboard, that I created to make the packaging.

Once constructed, the package proved to be durable and effective. There is a perforated flap that allows the package to remain sealed, and can easily be torn away. The inside bubble package containing the gum fit very well inside the unique shape of the package, being securely held but allowing for the gum to be removed from the outer package without much resistance.
Here are images of the final constructed brand extension project for Crest Whitening & Repair Chewing Gum.